Mitri The JudgeMitri The Judge
Mitri The Judge Editions Primary Open supply
Wayak thumbnail thumbnailWayak thumbnail thumbnail
Galactic Travelers thumbnail thumbnailGalactic Travelers thumbnail thumbnail
Galactic Travelers

2 secondaries available

Editions sold 40 sold
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Description Mitri The Judge A being who exists in the spiritual realm, the emptiness that lies between life and death. He sees it all, a benevolent being whose compassion goes beyond our comprehension. Mitri meets the soul of a Traveler at the end of their jou...
Secondary market
Secondary sales - Average secondary sale price - Secondary volume - Floor price $320.01
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Attributes Artist Wayak Hitchhiker Sticky Name Mitri Ornament Halo Place Spiritual Realm Role The Judge Trinket The Balancing S...
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