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Universal Forms
Symbolic Artist thumbnail thumbnailSymbolic Artist thumbnail thumbnail
@Symbolic Artist
Volume$5,237.11Floor-Artworks 11
Description When a piece speaks to me, I know I’m heading in the right direction. I find the more that I destroy and rebuild a piece, the more deeply I search within myself for something from the unconscious. With the Universal Forms series I’m returning back to my authentic abstract expressionist work. This series seeks primitivism with floating forms and fine line repetition. Contrasting darker dominate space with lighter areas represents opposing force in the world, the light and darkness. Universal Forms is a 10 piece series with some pieces offered as editions. Each original piece is oil on canvas, many pieces are 48' x 60'. How about the physical? Interested collectors are welcome to DM and separately purchase the physical to join the digital token. Physicals pieces can ship globally in a rolled tube. Physicals not acquired will remain in the SA collection. Category Abstract