Naked Man Under the Faucet /7Naked Man Under the Faucet /7
Naked Man Under the Faucet /7 Secondary
eloy thumbnail thumbnaileloy thumbnail thumbnail
Dirty Dishes thumbnail thumbnailDirty Dishes thumbnail thumbnail
Dirty Dishes
Last sold 0.6 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description Naked man looks at eloy who says "Sometimes all the conditions are right to get rid of the dirt but suddenly the drain can get clogged, naked man. Calm down, i'll take care of it. I'll wash and reassemble your mind-made body" 5000x4862 px.
GoXrilla thumbnailGoXrilla thumbnail
Auction won by GoXrilla 2 years ago
0.6 SOL $19.29
GoXrilla thumbnailGoXrilla thumbnail
Bid by GoXrilla 2 years ago
0.6 SOL $18.65
eloy thumbnaileloy thumbnail
Auction created by eloy 2 years ago
0.6 SOL $18.72
eloy thumbnaileloy thumbnail
Artwork created by eloy 2 years ago
Category drawing
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