R = 0R = 0
Last sold 0.5 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description An animated sketch that started out on paper with tape and made the way into the glitch-verse.
Fubby14 thumbnailFubby14 thumbnail
Auction won by Fubby14
10 months ago
0.5 SOL $9.43
Fubby14 thumbnailFubby14 thumbnail
Bid by Fubby14 10 months ago
0.5 SOL $9.51
0xTHISISCLICK thumbnail0xTHISISCLICK thumbnail
Auction created by 0xTH...LICK 10 months ago
0.5 SOL $9.55
0xTHISISCLICK thumbnail0xTHISISCLICK thumbnail
Auction cancelled by 0xTH...LICK 10 months ago
0xTHISISCLICK thumbnail0xTHISISCLICK thumbnail
Auction created by 0xTH...LICK 10 months ago
0.3 SOL $5.34
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