Last sold 4.7 SOL
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Description Introducing ๐˜‰๐˜ญ๐˜ถ, an exploratory physical work on cradled wood panel archived on-chain. Based from an original painting by Os m. 2020 2700 x 3600 px | 18 x 24 in. (45.72 x 60.96 cm) Oil and acrylic on wood Digitized November 2020 Thank you for ...
SoulSeed7 thumbnailSoulSeed7 thumbnail
Listing cancelled by SoulSeed7 9 months ago
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Price updated by SoulSeed7 9 months ago
25 SOL $2,643.25
SoulSeed7 thumbnailSoulSeed7 thumbnail
Listing by SoulSeed7 9 months ago
10 SOL $945.90
0xMQQ thumbnail0xMQQ thumbnail
Offer cancelled by 0xMQ...xMQQ 2 years ago
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Auction cancelled by SoulSeed7 2 years ago
Attributes Artist Os Medium Mixed media
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