The Golden Boy - 013The Golden Boy - 013
The Golden Boy - 013 Secondary
BADBOIS thumbnail thumbnailBADBOIS thumbnail thumbnail
Bad Bois thumbnail thumbnailBad Bois thumbnail thumbnail
Bad Bois
Last sold 3.31 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description This Boy has golden skin. He does not have the power to destroy but has the ability to see into the future.
CryptoJtho thumbnailCryptoJtho thumbnail
Auction won by CryptoJtho
2 years ago
3.31 SOL $75.00
CryptoJtho thumbnailCryptoJtho thumbnail
Bid by CryptoJtho 2 years ago
3.31 SOL $75.04
Bid by 7hQy...R74F 2 years ago
3 SOL $67.98
CryptoJtho thumbnailCryptoJtho thumbnail
Bid by CryptoJtho 2 years ago
2.69 SOL $60.98
Bid by 7hQy...R74F 2 years ago
2.44 SOL $55.31
Category pixel art
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