Last sold 1.70M BONK
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description all they care about is the wifi connection misty-eyes, undignified can't see the real disconnection leaves & birds can speak in tune but their ears are quite immune device in hand held high searching for their dear wifi 9x12 canvas board with gouach...
Purchased by RavenKatana11
9 months ago
1.70M BONK $20.02
SentientShapes thumbnailSentientShapes thumbnail
Listing by SentientShapes 9 months ago
1.70M BONK $20.52
SentientShapes thumbnailSentientShapes thumbnail
Listing cancelled by SentientShapes 9 months ago
SentientShapes thumbnailSentientShapes thumbnail
Listing by SentientShapes 10 months ago
4 SOL $208.80
Attributes material canvas board shape circles
Category abstract
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