The Bosom of WaterfallThe Bosom of Waterfall
The Bosom of Waterfall Secondary
eloy thumbnail thumbnaileloy thumbnail thumbnail
Dear diary this is how i feel thumbnail thumbnailDear diary this is how i feel thumbnail thumbnail
Dear diary this is how i feel
Last sold 2.5 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description Dear Diary, Make sure that you put your paper boat in which you put your dreams into the waters, where you can sleep in its bosom. Stay away from any dirty water that will prevent it from being able to swing freely and find its way. 4000x7200px.
Metadata updated by 6 months ago
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
Auction won by mr kei
a year ago
2.5 SOL $51.65
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
Bid by mr kei a year ago
2.5 SOL $50.65
eloy thumbnaileloy thumbnail
Auction created by eloy a year ago
2.5 SOL $61.25
eloy thumbnaileloy thumbnail
Artwork created by eloy a year ago
Category painting
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