Ghion #2Ghion #2
Ghion #2 Secondary
Zonkel thumbnail thumbnailZonkel thumbnail thumbnail
Ghions thumbnail thumbnailGhions thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 100 SOL
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Description Although the Second Ghion's eyes gazed at the horizon when he awakened, his mind was drawn to the past, to times of simple joys and fun, when everything was lighter and simpler. His older brother welcomed him with delight as the reality around them b...
TRIXX thumbnailTRIXX thumbnail
Listing cancelled by TRIXX a year ago
TRIXX thumbnailTRIXX thumbnail
Listing by TRIXX a year ago
3333 SOL $66,102.76
TRIXX thumbnailTRIXX thumbnail
Purchased by TRIXX
a year ago
100 SOL $1,762.00
oui thumbnailoui thumbnail
Offer cancelled by oui a year ago
oui thumbnailoui thumbnail
Offer made by oui a year ago
69.42 SOL $1,468.23
Attributes Attribute Retro
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