Ederonin Secondary
94L1 thumbnail thumbnail94L1 thumbnail thumbnail
Bunch of Bones thumbnail thumbnailBunch of Bones thumbnail thumbnail
Bunch of Bones
Price 2 SOL
Total~ 2.05 SOL
Last sold 20.02 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description A sorcerer who is the headmaster of the Solaris Academy and finds power in the stars
crimpy thumbnailcrimpy thumbnail
Price updated by crimpy 4 months ago
2 SOL $393.80
crimpy thumbnailcrimpy thumbnail
Price updated by crimpy 7 months ago
4 SOL $409.44
crimpy thumbnailcrimpy thumbnail
Listing by crimpy 8 months ago
5 SOL $367.05
EkAwGSPVadGHYJut4g38donAk9LoLvNw1pAPKvXELeuc thumbnailEkAwGSPVadGHYJut4g38donAk9LoLvNw1pAPKvXELeuc thumbnail
Offer cancelled by EkAw...Leuc a year ago
crimpy thumbnailcrimpy thumbnail
Listing cancelled by crimpy a year ago
Attributes Body Robe Source of power Sun
Category pixel art
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