Calaca Secondary
JUNTDOE thumbnail thumbnailJUNTDOE thumbnail thumbnail
Gloomy.PFP thumbnail thumbnailGloomy.PFP thumbnail thumbnail
Reserve price 2 SOL
Duration 1d
Auction countdown will start once the reserve price trigger is met
Total~ 2.05 SOL
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Description Calaca was a powerful warlock with a thirst for power and control. He was known for his dark magic and the six evil servant spirits that followed him wherever he went. These spirits were once human beings who had sold their souls to Calaca in exchan...
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Metadata updated by a year ago
Auction created by DCVM a year ago
2 SOL $49.98
Listing cancelled by DCVM a year ago
Listing by DCVM a year ago
15 SOL $249.06
Auction won by DCVM
2 years ago
3.5 SOL $73.57
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