I Found The Spark Of LifeI Found The Spark Of Life
I Found The Spark Of Life Secondary
Sleepr thumbnail thumbnailSleepr thumbnail thumbnail
Visions- thumbnail thumbnailVisions- thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 222 SOL
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Description What is that spark that makes me, me? So many parts of me aren't that interesting - the ones that are easy to untangle. I do this because of that, and that because of this. All the mechanisms of mind are reactive, forward chains of determinism. But w...
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Auction won by rags
a year ago
222 SOL $5,061.60
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Bid by rags a year ago
222 SOL $5,072.70
0xMQQ thumbnail0xMQQ thumbnail
Bid by 0xMQ...xMQQ a year ago
186.9 SOL $4,270.67
rags thumbnailrags thumbnail
Bid by rags a year ago
169 SOL $3,861.65
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Bid by js_nft a year ago
109.66 SOL $2,513.41
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