Last sold 36.32 SOL
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Description Don’t call him Buckwheat. That’s not his name anymore. Not since the change took his family. The Buckwheats owned a print shop in the heart of East Lakay. His parents plastered the town with warnings of the changing conditions, warning their communit...
DreLaSOL thumbnailDreLaSOL thumbnail
Auction won by DreLaSOL
8 months ago
36.32 SOL $3,852.46
DreLaSOL thumbnailDreLaSOL thumbnail
Bid by DreLaSOL 8 months ago
36.32 SOL $3,841.20
Arne thumbnailArne thumbnail
Bid by Arne 8 months ago
33.01 SOL $3,492.13
DreLaSOL thumbnailDreLaSOL thumbnail
Bid by DreLaSOL 8 months ago
30 SOL $2,985.90
wetiko thumbnailwetiko thumbnail
Bid by wetiko 8 months ago
25 SOL $2,458.00
Attributes Hobby Vintage Video G... Personality Loner Region East Lakay Role Propaganda
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