Grounded Amongst the ChaosGrounded Amongst the Chaos
Grounded Amongst the Chaos Primary
Aqueous thumbnail thumbnailAqueous thumbnail thumbnail
Aqueous Experimental thumbnail thumbnailAqueous Experimental thumbnail thumbnail
Aqueous Experimental
Reserve price 2.5 SOL
Duration 1d
Auction countdown will start once the reserve price trigger is met
Total~ 2.625 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description 2023 has been a hell of a ride. My life is still chaotic but I am learning to live graciously within it. This is a reminder to ground myself when things get overwhelming, as all storms pass and I have made it this far. Digital Painting created in P...
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Aqueous thumbnailAqueous thumbnail
Auction created by Aqueous 10 months ago
2.5 SOL $263.35
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