"The Feathered Enigma""The Feathered Enigma"
"The Feathered Enigma" Primary
Maryamhasaniart thumbnail thumbnailMaryamhasaniart thumbnail thumbnail
War in My Mind thumbnail thumbnailWar in My Mind thumbnail thumbnail
War in My Mind
Price 1.2 SOL
Total~ 1.26 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description Upon her head, birds make their home, A girl mysterious and alone, Amidst the clouds, her secrets roam, A world of her own, she has flown. With wings unseen, she soars up high, In whispered winds, her dreams shall lie, Among the stars, she finds her...
Maryamhasaniart thumbnailMaryamhasaniart thumbnail
Listing by Maryamhasaniart 10 months ago
1.2 SOL $148.06
Category painting
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