#404 Error#404 Error
Last sold 1 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description The Hidden Valley is a 1/1 3D PFP project exclusively on exchange.art with 100 digitally sculpted NFTs. This artwork was stolen.
Metadata updated by a year ago
Transfer from 63r5...u8Gk to CPGJ...jCXM a year ago
Auction won by 63r5...u8Gk
a year ago
1 SOL $21.72
Bid by 63r5...u8Gk a year ago
1 SOL $22.31
s m i l e thumbnails m i l e thumbnail
Auction created by s m i l e a year ago
1 SOL $22.22
Attributes Background Makka Bloodline Shinigami Drip Creator's Robe Eyes Hollow Hair Wanderer Mouth Izanami's Heart Type BOSS
Category profile picture
Update authority
Token address
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