Circle and ShadeCircle and Shade
Circle and Shade Primary
adesantora thumbnail thumbnailadesantora thumbnail thumbnail
Photography | ASP thumbnail thumbnailPhotography | ASP thumbnail thumbnail
Photography | ASP
Price 3 SOL
Total~ 3.15 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description Silhouettes of passengers can be seen faintly in the cracked glass of the ship's window. Year: 2011 Location: Karimun Java - Indonesia Collection: Photography (Solana) File: JPG 2100 × 3004px Artist: Ade Santora License: Primary NFT holder is ...
adesantora thumbnailadesantora thumbnail
Listing by adesantora 3 months ago
3 SOL $419.40
Metadata updated by 3 months ago
adesantora thumbnailadesantora thumbnail
Artwork created by adesantora 3 months ago
Attributes Color Blue Type Photography
Category photography
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