No Silence #1003No Silence #1003
No Silence #1003 Secondary
atlancoelho thumbnail thumbnailatlancoelho thumbnail thumbnail
No Silence thumbnail thumbnailNo Silence thumbnail thumbnail
No Silence
Last sold 0.3 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description "Racismo é um tipo de vandalismo, só que em vez de danificar cidades danifica pessoas de todas as idades!" Victor Vieira Lopes "Racism is a type of vandalism, only instead of damaging cities it damages people of all ages!" Victor Vieira Lopes
PEPE THE FROG thumbnailPEPE THE FROG thumbnail
Auction won by PEPE THE FROG
a year ago
0.3 SOL $6.07
PEPE THE FROG thumbnailPEPE THE FROG thumbnail
Bid by PEPE THE FROG a year ago
0.3 SOL $6.28
atlancoelho thumbnailatlancoelho thumbnail
Auction created by atlancoelho a year ago
0.3 SOL $7.08
atlancoelho thumbnailatlancoelho thumbnail
Artwork created by atlancoelho 2 years ago
Attributes Background Light orange Clothes Jacket Eyes Design orange lines Design 2 orange expressi... Draft free Face Bohemian Hair Spiky Name Sebastião
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