Reserve price 0.5 SOL
Duration 1d
Auction countdown will start once the reserve price trigger is met
Total~ 0.525 SOL
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Description Cryptic Motion is a 1/1 Artwork in the "Digital Interference" series by Acidhatmat exploring the connections between nature and her ultimate successor, technology. The method combines human innovation with computerized chaos. Each artwork starts ou...
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Auction created by Acidhatmat 9 months ago
0.5 SOL $56.88
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Listing cancelled by Acidhatmat 9 months ago
Acidhatmat thumbnailAcidhatmat thumbnail
Listing by Acidhatmat a year ago
3.33 SOL $65.80
Acidhatmat thumbnailAcidhatmat thumbnail
Listing cancelled by Acidhatmat a year ago
Acidhatmat thumbnailAcidhatmat thumbnail
Price updated by Acidhatmat a year ago
6 SOL $134.82
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