Eyes of FaithEyes of Faith
Eyes of Faith Primary
Ashwini thumbnail thumbnailAshwini thumbnail thumbnail
Soul AI thumbnail thumbnailSoul AI thumbnail thumbnail
Soul AI
Price 2.34 SOL
Total~ 2.457 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description There's hope, there's belief and then there's faith. The wait is worth it. The hands on clock seem like a Blessing. Every breath of hope like exhaling moments into thin air. There's a Universe in each pair of eyes with an immense depth. The one tha...
Ashwini thumbnailAshwini thumbnail
Listing by Ashwini 8 months ago
2.34 SOL $241.00
Ashwini thumbnailAshwini thumbnail
Artwork created by Ashwini 8 months ago
Attributes Artist Ashwini Dodani Edition 1 of 1 Format AI Theme Spirituality
Category ai art
Update authority
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