Doctor LoveDoctor Love
Doctor Love Secondary
LOSTSXL thumbnail thumbnailLOSTSXL thumbnail thumbnail
Beasty Babies Gen 1 thumbnail thumbnailBeasty Babies Gen 1 thumbnail thumbnail
Beasty Babies Gen 1
Price 1 SOL
Total~ 1.025 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description The biggest heartthrob in all of Solestia.
LOSTSXL thumbnailLOSTSXL thumbnail
Listing by LOSTSXL 2 years ago
1 SOL $30.74
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Auction cancelled by LOSTSXL 2 years ago
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Listing by LOSTSXL 2 years ago
0.5 SOL $19.98
LOSTSXL thumbnailLOSTSXL thumbnail
Artwork created by LOSTSXL 2 years ago
Attributes Evolved None Legendary None OG Yes
Category pixel art
Update authority
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