Flowers of Consciousness Secondary
Ysabel LeMay thumbnail thumbnailYsabel LeMay thumbnail thumbnail
@Ysabel LeMay
Flowers of Consciousness thumbnail thumbnailFlowers of Consciousness thumbnail thumbnail
Flowers of Consciousness
Last sold 1 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description LeMay inputs her entire artistic oeuvre, which she calls her “DNA,” to create an algorithmic base to generate otherworldly, strange flowers. This piece combines 8 flowers in a beautiful, morphing animation.
Purchased by 22D9...Dv37
2 years ago
1 SOL $20.21
Ysabel LeMay thumbnailYsabel LeMay thumbnail
Listing by Ysabel LeMay 2 years ago
1,000 USDC $1,001.00
Ysabel LeMay thumbnailYsabel LeMay thumbnail
Artwork created by Ysabel LeMay 2 years ago
Category 3d art
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