Behind Closed EyesBehind Closed Eyes
Behind Closed Eyes Secondary
Sleepr thumbnail thumbnailSleepr thumbnail thumbnail
Visions- thumbnail thumbnailVisions- thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 169 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description The documentation of an invisible and living network of intelligence, seen only from behind closed eyes, and through a portal inaccessible within this spatial dimension, is being documented in this era. This work captures the vibrant, sizzling, ling...
rags thumbnailrags thumbnail
Auction won by rags
a year ago
169 SOL $3,232.97
rags thumbnailrags thumbnail
Bid by rags a year ago
169 SOL $2,996.37
Rez thumbnailRez thumbnail
Bid by Rez a year ago
25 SOL $444.00
Sleepr thumbnailSleepr thumbnail
Auction created by Sleepr a year ago
1 SOL $18.01
Sleepr thumbnailSleepr thumbnail
Artwork created by Sleepr a year ago
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