Submerged ShadeSubmerged Shade
Submerged Shade Secondary
SolCity thumbnail thumbnailSolCity thumbnail thumbnail
The 100 thumbnail thumbnailThe 100 thumbnail thumbnail
The 100
Last sold 12 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description Lukexdod - 2/100 - A collaborative effort with SolCity Radio. "Submerged, the parting of the seas reveals a pink hue. Brolly splits the wilds, opening the shade. That sweet spot, that happy place."
A2Kdefi thumbnailA2Kdefi thumbnail
Auction won by A2Kdefi
2 years ago
12 SOL $279.12
A2Kdefi thumbnailA2Kdefi thumbnail
Bid by A2Kdefi 2 years ago
12 SOL $289.56
Lopez thumbnailLopez thumbnail
Bid by Lopez 2 years ago
9.69 SOL $237.11
Ikaa thumbnailIkaa thumbnail
Bid by Ikaa 2 years ago
8 SOL $195.04
Bid by BpkL...wb6S 2 years ago
7.1 SOL $172.96
Category illustration
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