Ghion #25Ghion #25
Ghion #25 Secondary
Zonkel thumbnail thumbnailZonkel thumbnail thumbnail
Ghions thumbnail thumbnailGhions thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 196.69 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description This is a custom Ghion ticket. This ticket can be claimed to receive a Ghion of your choosing.
Ycrydev thumbnailYcrydev thumbnail
Listing cancelled by Ycrydev a year ago
Ycrydev thumbnailYcrydev thumbnail
Listing by Ycrydev a year ago
1000 SOL $22,460.00
Ycrydev thumbnailYcrydev thumbnail
Auction won by Ycrydev
a year ago
196.69 SOL $3,851.19
Ycrydev thumbnailYcrydev thumbnail
Bid by Ycrydev a year ago
196.69 SOL $3,847.26
Meat_ thumbnailMeat_ thumbnail
Bid by Meat_ a year ago
185.53 SOL $3,628.97
Attributes Attribute Custom 1
Category profile picture
Update authority
Token address
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