#00 Life is Punk Secondary
Vitrola thumbnail thumbnailVitrola thumbnail thumbnail
Virtual Visage thumbnail thumbnailVirtual Visage thumbnail thumbnail
Virtual Visage
Last sold 10 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description Mixed media painting with digital illustration & animation.
Purchased by Joobeer87
7 months ago
10 SOL $1,013.40
Offer cancelled by Joobeer87 7 months ago
Offer made by Joobeer87 7 months ago
5 SOL $485.00
Offer cancelled by Joobeer87 7 months ago
Vitrola thumbnailVitrola thumbnail
Listing by Vitrola 7 months ago
10 SOL $969.90
Attributes #00 Virtual Visage Collection Legendary
Category painting
Update authority
Token address