I Will Hold On To You.I Will Hold On To You.
I Will Hold On To You. Primary
AnjolaDave thumbnail thumbnailAnjolaDave thumbnail thumbnail
The AnjolaDave Series ✦ thumbnail thumbnailThe AnjolaDave Series ✦ thumbnail thumbnail
The AnjolaDave Series ✦
Reserve price 3 SOL
Duration 1d
Auction countdown will start once the reserve price trigger is met
Total~ 3.15 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description "And even if the world around us spins out of control I will hold on to you" ✦ Anjoladave ✦ 2023
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AnjolaDave thumbnailAnjolaDave thumbnail
Auction created by AnjolaDave 7 months ago
3 SOL $587.28
Attributes Artist AnjolaDave Date Created December 2023 Medium 3D
Category 3d art
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