Saint LucySaint Lucy
Last sold 1 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description Previously known as Origin #48
Listing by Ev9q...bYNz 5 months ago
0.248 SOL $33.83
Listing by Ev9q...bYNz 7 months ago
0.248 SOL $31.17
Listing cancelled by 4WUi...L7MA 8 months ago
Listing by 4WUi...L7MA 9 months ago
0.3 SOL $33.70
Transfer from Architect to 4WUi...L7MA 9 months ago
Attributes Background Grey Character Female Clothes Overalls Eyewear Sunglasses Hair Pink Bob Headwear Nimbus Mouth Cigarette
Category pixel art
Update authority
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