Love is ComplicatedLove is Complicated
Love is Complicated Primary
Candan thumbnail thumbnailCandan thumbnail thumbnail
BlowingRaspberries thumbnail thumbnailBlowingRaspberries thumbnail thumbnail
Price 0.5 SOL
Total~ 0.525 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description Love feels like a complicated maze, where every turn leads to a mix of joy and desperation. It's a puzzle I can't quite solve, a sentiment that dances just beyond my reach. In the quiet moments, love seems to exist only in the recesses of my dreams, ...
Candan thumbnailCandan thumbnail
Price updated by Candan 3 months ago
0.5 SOL $92.33
Candan thumbnailCandan thumbnail
Price updated by Candan 5 months ago
1 SOL $101.96
Candan thumbnailCandan thumbnail
Listing by Candan 6 months ago
2 SOL $215.28
Attributes Size 3300x4200 Type Digital Illustr... Year 2024
Category illustration
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