sw@rly m@m@sw@rly m@m@
sw@rly m@m@ Secondary
ENiGMA Atelier thumbnail thumbnailENiGMA Atelier thumbnail thumbnail
@ENiGMA Atelier
365 thumbnail thumbnail365 thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 3.69 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description 'Nobody move, nobody get hurt.' - sw@rly m@m@ 365 Portraits exploring the relationship between colours, geometry and materialities with algorithm and simulations. An art project by ENiGMA. 4000 x 4000px
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
Transfer from mr kei to mr kei 8 months ago
Metadata updated by 9 months ago
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
Transfer from mr kei to mr kei a year ago
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
Auction won by mr kei
a year ago
3.69 SOL $71.99
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
Bid by mr kei a year ago
3.69 SOL $71.03
Attributes Algorithm Contortion DD-MM-YY 26-09-23
Category algorithmic art
Update authority
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