Description Transformed into a powerful vampire, Jevery quickly surpassed her master, killing him and claiming his throne. Her ebony skin and glowing orange eyes became symbols of terror as she ruled the underworld with unmatched ferocity. Yet, despite her power...
Attributes Artist Fluboss Created September 7, 20... Dimensions 4000 x 6310 pix... File-type JPG Medium Digital Website of artist
Duration 1d Auction countdown will start once the reserve price trigger is met
Total~ 0.525 SOL
Quantity: 1 Artwork cost: 0.5 SOL Platform cost: ~ 0.025 SOL (5%)
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description Transformed into a powerful vampire, Jevery quickly surpassed her master, killing him and claiming his throne. Her ebony skin and glowing orange eyes became symbols of terror as she ruled the underworld with unmatched ferocity. Yet, despite her power...
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