Last sold 0.1 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description There are many square letters in my collection, as well as letters in the English alphabet that can be inscribed in a square. Here it's just a variation of a square item - Safe, with simple animation and treasure visuals. For the holders of this NFT...
Metadata updated by 7 months ago
Metadata updated by 7 months ago
MEK thumbnailMEK thumbnail
Auction won by MEK
2 years ago
0.1 SOL $2.39
MEK thumbnailMEK thumbnail
Bid by MEK 2 years ago
0.1 SOL $2.45
Triangle Circle Square thumbnailTriangle Circle Square thumbnail
Auction created by Triangle Circle Square 2 years ago
0.1 SOL $2.46
Category pixel art
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