Idolatría 003Idolatría 003
Idolatría 003 Primary
Yoshiro Mare thumbnail thumbnailYoshiro Mare thumbnail thumbnail
@Yoshiro Mare
Idolatria thumbnail thumbnailIdolatria thumbnail thumbnail
Reserve price 0.528 SOL
Duration 1d
Auction countdown will start once the reserve price trigger is met
Total~ 0.555 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description 偶像崇拝 - Idolatría 003 When Idols — usurp God's Place The Soul — becomes disordered, The Vision — becomes clouded, And Wisdom — becomes alienated. Money — Power — Pleasure, Thrones of sand — ephemeral, Where the Spirit — languishes, And Truth — becom...
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Yoshiro Mare thumbnailYoshiro Mare thumbnail
Auction created by Yoshiro Mare 2 days ago
0.528 SOL $82.33
Attributes Dimensions 2048 × 2048 File Type PNG Genre AI Art
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