Ink on Wheels Secondary
Royes__ thumbnail thumbnailRoyes__ thumbnail thumbnail
Royes collaboration thumbnail thumbnailRoyes collaboration thumbnail thumbnail
Royes collaboration
Last sold 2.2 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description this is a collaboration between Royes and crack. captures the thrilling and dynamic scene of a relentless pursuit between law enforcement officers and a talented street graffiti artist. The artwork, painted with vibrant colors and bold strokes, portr...
Renji thumbnailRenji thumbnail
Purchased by Renji
a year ago
2.2 SOL $52.40
Listing by Awho...QQvP a year ago
2.2 SOL $51.46
Transfer from pixelpieces to Awho...QQvP a year ago
Auction won by pixelpieces
a year ago
8.81 SOL $187.30
Bid by pixelpieces a year ago
8.81 SOL $187.12
Category 3d art
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