Evade #15Evade #15
Evade #15 Secondary
Rupture thumbnail thumbnailRupture thumbnail thumbnail
Evade thumbnail thumbnailEvade thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 69 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description Rupture - Evade #15 - 1/1 of the full drawing that encompasses all the details in pieces #1-14
Sir Wayne Nooten thumbnailSir Wayne Nooten thumbnail
Sir Wayne Nooten thumbnailSir Wayne Nooten thumbnail
Transfer from Sir Wayne Nooten to Sir Wayne Nooten 2 years ago
Accepted offer by 61qD...yYL8
2 years ago
69 SOL $961.17
Sir Wayne Nooten thumbnailSir Wayne Nooten thumbnail
Offer made by Sir Wayne Nooten 2 years ago
69 SOL $954.27
Hafftka thumbnailHafftka thumbnail
Offer cancelled by Hafftka 2 years ago
Hafftka thumbnailHafftka thumbnail
Offer made by Hafftka 2 years ago
10 SOL $374.40
Category abstract
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