Pillgrimage Secondary
ENiGMA Atelier thumbnail thumbnailENiGMA Atelier thumbnail thumbnail
@ENiGMA Atelier
365 thumbnail thumbnail365 thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 3.5 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description "Within each pill, the catalyst resides, Yet in our choices, its power shall rise." - Pillgrimage 365 Portraits exploring the relationship between colours, geometry and materialities with algorithm and simulations. An art project by ENiGMA.
Metadata updated by 9 months ago
Big Brain Gallery thumbnailBig Brain Gallery thumbnail
Auction won by Big Brain Gallery
a year ago
3.5 SOL $63.00
Big Brain Gallery thumbnailBig Brain Gallery thumbnail
Bid by Big Brain Gallery a year ago
3.5 SOL $57.33
mr kei thumbnailmr kei thumbnail
Bid by mr kei a year ago
3 SOL $48.57
Attributes Algorithm Disjointed Dupl... DD-MM-YY 27-06-23
Category algorithmic art
Update authority
Token address
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