Last sold 270.99 SOL
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Description Rumble and his twin sister grew up in the arid badlands of West Lakay. The recent loss of their parents to the change shaped the siblings. Rumble not only embraced the chaos, but learned to wield it. Demolition became his passion chasing the adrenali...
Metadata updated by 5 months ago
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Listing cancelled by Connorr 9 months ago
Connorr thumbnailConnorr thumbnail
Price updated by Connorr 10 months ago
56.9 SOL $3,469.19
Connorr thumbnailConnorr thumbnail
Listing by Connorr 11 months ago
100.69 SOL $4,277.31
Connorr thumbnailConnorr thumbnail
Listing cancelled by Connorr a year ago
Attributes Hobbies Whistling Personality Stoic Region West Lakay Role Demolition
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