Dragon EggDragon Egg
Last sold 5 SOL
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Description Dear Diary, At first you feel stuck in a narrow space. The overwhelm in your soul and body becomes so great that you sweat. Then you hear a cracking sound. Many people hear this voice, but few try to understand it. Listening to this voice makes you ...
Metadata updated by 3 months ago
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mister kei thumbnailmister kei thumbnail
Transfer from mister kei to mister kei 8 months ago
mister kei thumbnailmister kei thumbnail
Auction won by mister kei
9 months ago
5 SOL $174.80
mister kei thumbnailmister kei thumbnail
Bid by mister kei 9 months ago
5 SOL $164.55
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Auction created by eloy 9 months ago
5 SOL $151.75
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