The Engine RoomThe Engine Room
The Engine Room Secondary
Sleepr thumbnail thumbnailSleepr thumbnail thumbnail
Exotic thumbnail thumbnailExotic thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 30 SOL
The artist can update this artwork's info.
Description "What is the imagination?" I wondered as the room crawled with geometric patterns. Then a door with infinite rooms opened up. Cartoon critters spilled out and screamed telepathically: "I'm this! And this! And this! And this! And this! And this too!"
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Transfer from rags to 0xds 11 months ago
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Transfer from Ser Trevor to rags a year ago
Ser Trevor thumbnailSer Trevor thumbnail
Listing cancelled by Ser Trevor a year ago
Ser Trevor thumbnailSer Trevor thumbnail
Listing by Ser Trevor a year ago
8,500 USDC $8,499.49
Ser Trevor thumbnailSer Trevor thumbnail
Listing cancelled by Ser Trevor a year ago
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