The EndThe End
Last sold 4.20M BONK
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description it's round & how it's watching broken promises & to who as you lay aneath your death rattle you were too busy for your dreams coins on your eyes for your fare on the River Styx little circles reminding you that the current timeline has ended --be sur...
xVALORIAN thumbnailxVALORIAN thumbnail
Purchased by xVALORIAN
a year ago
4.20M BONK $84.71
SentientShapes thumbnailSentientShapes thumbnail
Listing by SentientShapes a year ago
4.20M BONK $88.03
SentientShapes thumbnailSentientShapes thumbnail
Artwork created by SentientShapes a year ago
Attributes material canvas board shape circle
Category abstract
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