Akhandika XIVAkhandika XIV
Akhandika XIV Secondary
Dr. Revel thumbnail thumbnailDr. Revel thumbnail thumbnail
@Dr. Revel
Akhandika thumbnail thumbnailAkhandika thumbnail thumbnail
Last sold 3 SOL
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Description This is the fourteenth painting that creates the larger whole of “Akhandika” which was cut into 21 pieces (originally 2.8x2m canvas). “Akhandika” in Pali (ancient Buddhist language) has two distinct meanings: “undivided” or “unbroken,” and “piece th...
Tolo thumbnailTolo thumbnail
Tolo thumbnailTolo thumbnail
Transfer from Tolo to Tolo 10 months ago
Tolo thumbnailTolo thumbnail
Auction won by Tolo
10 months ago
3 SOL $218.64
Tolo thumbnailTolo thumbnail
Bid by Tolo 10 months ago
3 SOL $216.78
Dr. Revel thumbnailDr. Revel thumbnail
Auction created by Dr. Revel 10 months ago
1 SOL $64.74
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