Last sold 0.5 SOL
This artwork's info is set in stone - the artist can't change it!
Description This is my first sketch of a circle figure. Our planet earth. Our common home. The holders of this NFT in my project will be given a role in future airdrops and rewards.
Metadata updated by 7 months ago
MEK thumbnailMEK thumbnail
Auction won by MEK
2 years ago
0.5 SOL $11.53
MEK thumbnailMEK thumbnail
Bid by MEK 2 years ago
0.5 SOL $11.89
HorizonZTX thumbnailHorizonZTX thumbnail
Bid by HorizonZTX 2 years ago
0.2 SOL $4.47
94L1 thumbnail94L1 thumbnail
Bid by 94L1 2 years ago
0.1 SOL $2.23
Category pixel art
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